QJSEngine, how to import other scripts?
When using QJSEngine's evaluate function, I get errors when I try to import another script as follows:
import { sum } from "./math.mjs"; sum(5, 6);
The error is: Uncaught exception at line 1: SyntaxError: Unexpected token `import'
I can workaround that error by wrapping the main script in a function, and importing it using QJSEngine's importModule:
// This is saved as main.mjs import { sum } from "./math.mjs"; export function main() { sum(5, 6); }
Then I import main.mjs and run it:
auto m = _jsEngine.importModule("main.mjs"); QJSValue main = m.property("main"); QJSValue result = main.call();
Now I dont get the error and math.mjs is correctly imported in main.mjs. The problem is that importModule must take a file as input instead of a string (for example from a QPlainTextEdit), and it forces me to use an unnecessary function (main). Is there anyway to avoid that and get import to work with evaulate?
Did you trying importing like the follows
import "math.mjs" as AlhasniMethods AlhasniMethods.sum(5,6)
@dheerendra I still get the error Uncaught exception at line 1: SyntaxError: Unexpected token `import'
Looks like you are trying to import one javascript inside other. If this is the case true like follows.
.import "math.mjs" as AlhasniMethods
Notice the "." before import statement
I get a different error now: Uncaught exception at line 4: ReferenceError: AlhasniMethods is not defined
.import "math.js" as AlhasniMethods AlhasniMethods.sum(5,6)
export function sum(left, right) { return left + right }
Try something like this.
/* Dheeru.js */ function func1() { console.log("http://www.pthinks.com") } /* MyMain.js */ Qt.include("Dheeru.js") function func() { console.log("Method is called") func1(); } // Inside the QML import "MyMain.js" as MyFuncs
I am not using QML
Example also talks about how import one js inside another js. If you call method func() you should be able to call func1() method as well.
But I think those are QML specific.
For example I get this error when I evaluate with QJSEngine:
Uncaught exception at line 1: ReferenceError: Qt is not defined -
I've downloaded this lib and added this script as an "Add Existing files..." to qml.qrc. Then I tried to load the module in my own javascript file but fails, and here it is.
According to https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtqml-javascript-imports.html#importing-a-javascript-resource-from-another-javascript-resource I get errors while trying to import another javascript file.
I've also tried to use Qt.include() but it fails too..import "math.js" as mathematics function f() { console.log(mathematics.sqrt(-4).toString()) } ... QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component Script qrc:/myscript.js unavailable Invalid import qualifier
Qt.include("math.js"); function f() { console.log(sqrt(-4).toString()) } ... ReferenceError: sqrt is not defined
So what should I do?