Delete checked items from a QML List view
Hello every one
I have a simple list view that list my current files in a directory, each item has a check box before it in the list.
I want to check the files I want and click on the delete button to delete them. I have a c++ backend that does the deletion part, I just don't know how to loop through the list and check the status of the check boxes, here is my list view code:ListView { width: 150 height: 120 id: jobListView clip: true model: jobListModel delegate: jobListDelegate ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOn } }
and here is my list model:
ListModel { id: jobListModel ListElement { name: "No one" } ListElement { name: "Any one" } }
and here is my delegate:
Component { id: jobListDelegate Item { width: 180; height: 40 Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true RowLayout{ Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true CheckBox{ } Text { text: name } } } }
just help me loop through the list view and check if the check box is checked.
hi @PouryaTorabi
simply add a bool for the checkBox in your delegate componentproperty bool boxChecked : checkBoxId.checked
then the listview has index property so do
for (var i in jobListModel.model){ console.log(jobListModel.model[i].boxChecked ) }
or you can do it with alias instead of bool
@LeLev First of all you mentioned list view but in your loop you wrote jobListModel, I think I should use jobListView right? Then, you said to declare a property in delegate, how is it related to the model?
I have written your code and it says: qml:undefined. -
Actually you put me in the right way, thank you, and this is the for loop that works for me:
for (var i = 0, l = jobListView.contentItem.children.length-1; i < l; i++) { if (jobListView.contentItem.children[i].boxChecked ) { console.log(jobListView.model.get(i).name ) } }
@PouryaTorabi hi
you can changefor (var i = 0, l = jobListView.contentItem.children.length-1; i < l; i++)
for(var i in jobListView.contentItem.children)