QMLBook Tutorial - Problem with animation
I am studying the tutorial at https://qmlbook.github.io and am having a problem with one of the "animation" exercises.
Here is the code as provided with the tutorial at https://qmlbook.github.io/ch05-fluid/fluid.html:
// animation.qml import QtQuick 2.5 Image { id: root source: "assets/background.png" property int padding: 40 property int duration: 4000 property bool running: false Image { id: box x: root.padding; y: (root.height-height)/2 source: "assets/box_green.png" NumberAnimation on x { to: root.width - box.width - root.padding duration: root.duration running: root.running } RotationAnimation on rotation { to: 360 duration: root.duration running: root.running } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: root.running = true } }
The objective is to draw a green square on the left side of a larger box. Clicking on an empty area of the larger box causes the green square to move to the right side of the larger box while rotating 360 degrees. All of that works.
The tutorial instructsus to "add another animation ... on the opacity or even the scale.". The objective there is that, while the green square is moving and rotating, it also fades out and gets smaller. Here is the code, modified with code I added to do all of that.
// animation.qml import QtQuick 2.5 Image { id: root source: "assets/background.png" property int padding: 40 property int duration: 4000 property bool running: false Image { id: box x: root.padding; y: (root.height-height)/2 source: "assets/box_green.png" // Move to the right ... // NumberAnimation on x { to: root.width - box.width - root.padding duration: root.duration running: root.running } // ... while rotating 360 degrees ... // RotationAnimation on rotation { to: 360 duration: root.duration running: root.running } // ... fading out to 1/2 opacity ... // OpacityAnimator on opacity { from: 1.0 to: 0.5 duration: root.duration running: root.running } // ... and gradually shrinking in size to 1/2 of its former size, except THIS DOESN'T WORK. // It stays at its initial size all the way to the end, then drops to 1/2 size. // ScaleAnimator on scale { from: 1 to: 0.5 duration: root.duration running: root.running } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: root.running = true } }
As noted in the comment, all of the objectives are working correctly EXCEPT the gradual shrinking to 1/2 size. The size stays the same until movement is complete, then it shrinks to 1/2 size all at once.
Can anyone pick out what I'm doing wrong?
To clarify one thing... the movement to the right, the rotation, the fading to 1/2 opacity, and the shrinking to 1/2 size should all happen gradually over a time of 4 seconds. All of that is working as expected except for the shrinking part, which as noted above, happens all at once at the end.