How to reference code created QPushButton?
I've created a button like this
QPushButton *btn = new QPushButton(ui->frame_btn);
now, how do I reference this? I usually do
ui->btn->move(x, y);
but there is no btn in ui, there is no btn in frame_btn, there is no btn in ui->frame_btn->btn. Where is it and how do I reference it?
If you haven't added it intoui
, your code as shown is just creating a variable (local to function by the look of it) so you'd just reference it via plainbtn
(assuming you're in the function where you've created it). -
@legitnameyo said in How to reference code created QPushButton?:
Where is it
it'll live in the scope of where you create it (i.e. class, method). You need to provide a bigger code snippet to be sure where you're creating itand how do I reference it
btn->move(x, y);
you've just created a pointer to a QPushButton
there is no btn in frame_btn
No, frame_btn is just the parent object of your btn object
I created it where basically everything is located, in the main widget. I am referencing it from another function.
This is what I want to do
test::test(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::test) { ui->setupUi(this); QPushButton *btn = new QPushButton(ui->frame_btn); } void test::move_btn() { ui->frame_btn->btn->move(25, 25); // there is no "btn" in ui->frame_btn, gives error }
is there a way to reference the button???
Hi! You can add
QPushButton *btn
to your header file, for example -test.h
section). Then you can use your button everywhere in your class. But don't forget this is apointer
, so you should callbtn->deleteLater()
ordelete btn
in the destructor to free resources, so no memory leak occur in your application.Also note by using
it creates the namespace -ui
which handles the access/destruction of your widgets, added on the graphical form.Happy coding!
is there a way to reference the button???
as mentioned by @Cobra91151 make it a member of your class test (BTW, it's a common practice to name your Classes using uppercase
you should call btn->deleteLater() or delete btn in the destructor to free resources
No need to do that you if you make the class the parent of the button, i.e. (assuming btn is a member of class Test
... private: QPushButton *btn; ...
... Test::Test(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::test) { ui->setupUi(this); btn = new QPushButton(this); } ...
Doing what @Pablo-J-Rogina said made it possible to reference it, but when I do and try to move it, the program crashes:
The program has unexpectedly finished. The process was ended forcefully.
I referenced it as
btn->move(25, 25);
I think your program crashes because it initializes two pointers. Remove
QPushButton *
from your constructor. It should be:test.h
private: QPushButton *btn;
Test::Test(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::test) { ui->setupUi(this); btn = new QPushButton(this); }
Also try to attach the debugger and run your program, it should detect the issue.