[Solved] Build Qt with VS2010
I've downloaded Qt binaries for Windows(vs2008) and rebuilt them with vs2010(configure -platform win32-msvc2010). After building proccess was over I was trying to start Assistant but I was failed. It said Error reading collection file 'PATH_TO_APPDATA/AppData/Local/Trolltech/Assistant\qthelpcollection_4.7.0.qhc': Cannot load sqlite database driver! and nothing happen then. How can I overcome this issue?
No, I've used default parameters. Should I rebuild it with this parameter? I built earlier versions of Qt with default parameters and never have such a problem.
Sql Drivers:
SQLite..................plugin (qt)
InterBase...............no -
It's better that you get the source package instead of a prebuilt binary if you wish to compile it by yourself. It's safer in my opinion.
You can get it "here
Thank you folks for advices! I've followed both: I rebuilt it with explicit sqllite option and took clean sources. One more option is that I built in at another PC :) Actually I don't know what is the reason of that three forced Assistant to work but it seems that it works fine now.