Webassembly Qml Project with QtQuick.Shapes
Installation and Deployment
First of all I think webassembly works very well and I really looking forward to it's final release.
Nevertheless I found a minor glitch:
When I add this to a Qml file:
import QtQuick.Shapes 1.12
the compiled wasm output will not start. In Chrome I found the error message:
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/main.qml:3 module "QtQuick.Shapes" is not installedI tried to enable compilation of QtQuickShapes without luck (and I don't know where it decides to skip the module/plugin). The folder "Shapes" is missing in my source build at "qt5\qtbase\qml\QtQuick" (I'm using WIndows with Linux Subsystem).
Did anyone get Shapes to work?