Path error for qmake - Qt version invalid
Hi @P_Kausthubh_S,
on which platform are you?
How did you install Qt and Creator?
Which Qt version do you have?
I'm running fedora 29. I installed qt creator using dnf.
@aha_1980 what do you think might be causing it?
Thanks for looking into the issue. -
How did you install Qt?
Which Qt version do you have? -
@aha_1980 I installed qt using dnf.
I have Qt5 as well as Qt4. -
Did you also installed the Qt versions with dnf ?
Maybe they are installed in an unexpected places for
Creator to detect.what do you have listed in
Ah. There seems to be something off here. @aha_1980
Yes it seems so.
Just to be very clear, besides installing QtCreator,
which is JUST the editor, you
also did install Qt5 ( multiple files it seems with dnf ) alone do not come with any Qt version.
Maybe its easier to try to online installer than dnf ?
@mrjj thanks for the link. I'll try installing it by following the instructions in there and return here if the problem still persists.
Try with
sudo dnf list qt5*
and see what there.
Im wondering if there is not a meta packed that install all of Qt ?