Context menu does not show all options
Hi all,
I've got a rather strange problem, I've created several UI forms with a stackedwidget with multiple pages. Up to today I could select a page (QWidget) in the Object tree and use the context menu to set or break a layout.
However, somewhere this morning this stopped working. It now only shows part of the context menu, see the attached screenshot. Also, whenever I select a page in the tree, it isn't "highlighted" in the UI editor, even though this works for all other widgets (regardless of the widget type). This is for all UI files, so it is not limited to only one file.
I am not sure if I did something to disable this, but since it is only for pages of a stackedwidget (as far as I've seen for now..), and not for all items, I doubt this is the case..
I've already updated to the latest version of the creator and also removed the pro.user files and re-imported the project, but no luck..
What can I do to get the context menu back?
Update: I've also tried removing the QtProject files to have a clean setup, and now also reinstalled Qt Creator, but no luck.