Qt Creator settings dialog and netbook
Sounds like a good issue to be posted on "JIRA":bugreports.qt.nokia.com.
I don't remember, whether this works on windows, but have you tried ALT-dragging the window off the screen?
There is a bug for that in JIRA already: https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCREATORBUG-3172
[quote author="Lukas Geyer" date="1317063129"]As a workaround right-click (or shift right-click if you are on Windows Vista+) your window in the taskbar and select 'Move'. You then can move your window using the arrow keys - even beyond screen boundaries.[/quote]
I know, but it makes you able only to see the bottom part of the settings dialog, not interact with it.
Looking forward to Qt Creator 2.4.0.