I want to pause my application .
I want to pause my application(game) when user click mobile's camera button or mobile receives calls or some external events.
Don't beat me with too much information. That's not even a question yet ;)
What kind of system are you programming for? MeeGo? Symbian? Android?
i am developing application using Qt (Qml) for symbian^3 devices, i want to pause my running game if user click some invalid button like mobile's camera button.
you want to capture camera button press event or you want to know how to implement logic for pausing the game ?
I am not sure, haven't tried this, but try messing with onVisibleChange.
I want to capture all event which make my application Inactive and out-focus.
May be
yes manishsharma, i have put following code on my application [if/else condition] to handle Active and on InActive mode.
[myobject]= Qt.application.active ? "true" : "false";