How to make a QML app full screen on android devices
Hi all,
I've got a code which is shown full screen on the Desktop kit when run, but only part of it is shown when run by the Arm7 kit on Android devices as shown below:
Here's part of
:import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.11 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 Window { id: window visible: true visibility: Window.Maximized title: qsTr("The PingPong Game - A QML Game") color: "gray" Rectangle { id: table width: window.width / 1.15; height: window.height / 1.15 x: window.x + 100; y: 10; border.width: 10 border.color: "white" color: "royalblue" ...
I also tried to use
visibility: Window.FullScreen
instead ofvisibility: Window.Maximized
, but no changes on the Android device!What is the problem please? And how to make it cover all the Android device's screen , please?
I feel correct this operation as far as looking your code.
X-property of "Rectangle" is +100 offset from X-Property of "Window".
If you want to view "Rectangle" QML Object in center, you can do with the following correction code.Rectangle { id: table width: window.width / 1.15; height: window.height / 1.15 - x: window.x + 100; y: 10; + y: 10; + anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter ...
Do you mean that I should use this code instead of the other?
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.11 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 Window { id: window visible: true visibility: Window.FullScreen title: qsTr("The PingPong Game - A QML Game") color: "gray" Rectangle { id: table width: window.width / 1.15; height: window.height / 1.15 y: 10; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter border.width: 10 border.color: "white" color: "royalblue" ...
Yes, Were you able to see blue part of all with this code?
Yes. It solved the issue astonishingly! :) Thanks. (I wish I could say "thanks" in Japanese too! :) )
Few notes:
1- I think "horizontalCenter" here acts like a vertical line from the center of the window (parent) contrary to what its name suggests!2- I wanted to remove
y: 10;
too, and use this:anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
instead. But apparently parent hasn't such a feature! Why?3- The astonishing part, as I said before, is this: How could that simple line of code solve that problem? Could you please explain this?
4- Do you use QML for making Android apps too?
@tomy ,
1- I think "horizontalCenter" here acts like a vertical line from the center of the window (parent) contrary to what its name suggests!
3- The astonishing part, as I said before, is this: How could that simple line of code solve that problem? Could you please explain this?
You can understand more by looking at the below documents.
I also had the same issue as you in the past.Qt Documentation: Positioning with Anchors
2- I wanted to remove
y: 10;
too, and use this:anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
instead. But apparently parent hasn't such a feature! Why?I wrote a code that you might be helpful in gist.
Please see as below.
I think that the point of issue can be solved by using the Layout(RowLayout/ColumnLayout/GridLayout) QML Type.
4- Do you use QML for making Android apps too?
It can also be used on Android!