How to read HTML document cookie?
Hi ,its my second post for the day,here is what I am trying to do
I am accessing a webpage using POST method (using QNetworkAccessManager) ,now in response the html source have a javascript which sets the documents cookie ,I want to extract this cookie here ishow the html looks<html> <script type="text/javascript"> document.cookie="this is the data i want to extract" </script> </html>
Do anyone knows a good way to do this in QT like parsing the DOM
EDIT (17 dec 2018)
For future if somebody have a similar problem that they don't want to execute the javascript or run any web engine to parse the html content here is how I did..
1)Use QTextStream and load the html containt into it.
2)Read each line and conditionally check
3) if the line contains the string "document.cookie=" using QString::contains() function
4) when found replace the string and the ending part i.e.. ";" using QString::replace() function