States Machine
I am developing an embedded application where I am using state machine in qml, with image.bmp amnipulation, in this application at the push of a button a serial command is sent to an external hardware and depending on the response of that hardware it is necessary to change the state of the machine through a sign coming from c ++!
Does anyone have a problem to do to change the state of the machine through c ++ ??
abs !!
Avoid changing the state from C++. When the information comes from c++, emit signal c++. Handle the signal & make appropriate state change at qml only. Also simple sample code will help us understand how u r using the state.
import QtQuick 2.0
import QlChannelSerial 1.0
property int whiteId: 3 property int gain: 0 property int zomm: 0 property bool rec: false property int laparo_: 1 property bool pisca: true property bool show: false property var date: 0 property var date_: 0 property variant ikeEnv: [20] property int size: 0 property int bcs: 0 property int ok: 0 //Define dos comandos da camera property int zoom: 0 property int whiteBalance: 1 id:telaCamera Image { id: camera source: "telas/telaPrincipalCamera.bmp" // desenha p botão menu no canto superior da tela Image { id: botaMenu1 x:719 y:0 source: "image/BotaoMenu.png" MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { //anchors.fill mainRect.state = "Menu" console.log("go menu") } } } // tempo de 800 molissegundos para piscar o Icone do white balance Timer{ id:timer1 interval: 800 repeat: true running: true onTriggered: { if(pisca == false ) { pisca = true; white.state ="Piscpreto" } else { pisca = false; white.state = "PiscVerde" } } } Timer { id:timerEnhancement interval: 2000 repeat: false running: false onTriggered: { //APAGA O QUE ESTIVER ESCRITO NO ENHANCEMENT"ttymxc0"); serial.writeBytes([0x7A,0x13,0x00,0x1A,0x30,0x10,0x2A,0x3E,0x11,0x27,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20, 0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x00,0x0B],0); } }
//Icone para ir a tela da fonte de led
Image {
id: fonteLed
source: "Icones/Lamp.png"MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { mainRect.state = "Principal10" } } }
//Area do Icone qhite balance
Image {
id: whiteBalence
source: "Icones/white1.png"MouseArea{ anchors.fill:parent onClicked: {"ttymxc0"); ok = serial.writeBytes([0x7A,0x13,0x00,0x04,0x19,0x09,0x00,0x07],1); // envia comando de white balance } } states: [ State { name: "PiscVerde" }, State { name: "Piscpreto" } ] Image { id:pscverde source: "Icones/white1.png" visible:white.state == "PiscVerde" } Image { id:pscpreto source: "Icones/white2.png" visible:white.state == "Piscpreto" } } }
//Icone dos enhance
Image {
id: high
source: "Icones/Enhancehigh.png"
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
whiteId --;
if(whiteId <0) whiteId = 3;
case 0:"ttymxc0");
0x4E,0x54,0x20,0x4F,0x46,0x46,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x00,0x1C],0);enhance.state = "Off"; timerEnhancement.start(); break case 1:"ttymxc0"); serial.writeBytes([0x7A,0x13,0x00,0x06,0x1D,0x7D,0x04,0xB0,0x00,0xC1],0); //ESCREVE O ENHANCEMENT LOW NO MONITOR serial.writeBytes([0x7A,0x13,0x00,0x1A,0x30,0x10,0x2A,0x3E,0x11,0x27,0x45,0x4E,0x48,0x41,0x4E,0x43,0x45,0x4D,0x45, 0x4E,0x54,0x20,0x4C,0x4F,0x57,0x20,0x20,0x20,0x00,0x07],0); enhance.state = "Low"; timerEnhancement.start(); break case 2:"ttymxc0"); serial.writeBytes([0x7A,0x13,0x00,0x06,0x1D,0x7D,0x06,0x40,0x00,0x33],70); //ESCREVE O ENHANCEMENT MEDIUM NO MONITOR serial.writeBytes([0x7A,0x13,0x00,0x1A,0x30,0x10,0x2A,0x3E,0x11,0x27,0x45,0x4E,0x48,0x41, 0x4E,0x43,0x45,0x4D,0x45,0x4E,0x54,0x20,0x4D,0x45,0x44,0x49,0x55,0x4D,0x00,0x6E],0); enhance.state = "Med"; timerEnhancement.start(); break case 3:"ttymxc0"); serial.writeBytes([0x7A,0x13,0x00,0x06,0x1D,0x7D,0x07,0xF0,0x00,0x82],0); //ESCREVE O ENHANCEMENT HIGH NO MONITOR serial.writeBytes([0x7A,0x13,0x00,0x1A,0x30,0x10,0x2A,0x3E,0x11,0x27,0x45,0x4E,0x48,0x41,0x4E,0x43,0x45,0x4D,0x45, 0x4E,0x54,0x20,0x48,0x49,0x47,0x48,0x20,0x20,0x00,0x7D],0); enhance.state = "High"; timerEnhancement.start(); break } } } states: [ State { name: "High" }, State { name: "Med" }, State { name: "Low" }, State { name: "Off" } ] Image { id:alto source: "Icones/Enhancehigh.png" visible:enhance.state == "High" } Image { id:medio source: "Icones/Enhancemed.png" visible:enhance.state == "Med" } Image { id:baixo source: "Icones/EnhanceLow.png" visible:enhance.state == "Low" } Image { id:desligado source: "Icones/EnhanceOff.png" visible:enhance.state == "Off" } } } //Ganhos Rectangle{ id:ganho Image { id: zero x:510 y:96 //source: "Icones/Ganho0.png" source: "Icones/Ganho0.png" MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { gain ++; if(gain > 2) gain = 0; switch(gain) { case 0: ganho.state = "Zero"; break case 1: ganho.state = "One"; break case 2: ganho.state = "Two"; break } } } states: [ State { name: "Zero" }, State { name: "One" }, State { name: "Two" } ] Image { id: zerado source: "Icones/Ganho0.png" visible:ganho.state == "Zero" } Image { id: hum source: "Icones/Ganho1.png" visible:ganho.state == "One" } Image { id: dois source: "Icones/Ganho2.png" visible:ganho.state == "Two" } } }
Image {
id: zoon
source: "Icones/Zoom0.png"
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
if(zomm > 3)zomm = 0;"ttymxc0"); // abre a serial para mandar para a ikegami
switch(zomm) // envia zoom para a camera
case 0:
serial.writeBytes([0x7A,0x13,0x00,0x07,0x14,0x8F,0x6F,0x10,0x80,0x00,0x70],1);// Escreve na tela nada porque nao tem zoom"ttymxc0"); // abre a serial para mandar para a ikegami serial.writeBytes([0x7A,0x13,0x00,0x0C,0x30,0x10,0x20,0x3E,0x11,0x27,0x20,0x20, 0x20,0x20,0x00,0x17],1); zoom.state = "Zoom0"; break; case 1: serial.writeBytes([0x7A,0x13,0x00,0x07,0x14,0x8F,0x6F,0x15,0x80,0x00,0x75],1); //escreve 1.0 na tela"ttymxc0"); // abre a serial para mandar para a ikegami serial.writeBytes([0x7A,0x13,0x00,0x0C,0x30,0x10,0x20,0x3E,0x11,0x27,0x78,0x31, 0x2E,0x35,0x00,0x45],1); zoom.state = "Zoom1"; break; case 2: serial.writeBytes([0x7A,0x13,0x00,0x07,0x14,0x8F,0x6F,0x1A,0x80,0x00,0x7A],1); // escreve 2.0 na tela"ttymxc0"); // abre a serial para mandar para a ikegami serial.writeBytes([0x7A,0x13,0x00,0x0C,0x30,0x10,0x20,0x3E,0x11,0x27,0x78,0x32, 0x2E,0x30,0x00,0x43],1); zoom.state = "Zoom2"; break; case 3: serial.writeBytes([0x7A,0x13,0x00,0x07,0x14,0x8F,0x6F,0x1F,0x80,0x00,0x7F],0); // escreve 2.5 na tela"ttymxc0"); // abre a serial para mandar para a ikegami serial.writeBytes([0x7A,0x13,0x00,0x0C,0x30,0x10,0x20,0x3E,0x11,0x27,0x78,0x32, 0x2E,0x35,0x00,0x46],0); zoom.state = "Zoom3";break; } } } states: [ State { name: "Zoom0" }, State { name: "Zoom1" }, State { name: "Zoom2" }, State { name: "Zoom3" } ] Image { id:zeroo source: "Icones/Zoom0.png" visible: zoom.state == "Zoom0" } Image { id:one source: "Icones/Zoom1.png" visible: zoom.state == "Zoom1" } Image { id:two source: "Icones/Zoom2.png" visible: zoom.state == "Zoom2" } Image { id:tree source: "Icones/Zoom3.png" visible: zoom.state == "Zoom3" } } } //Gravaçao Rectangle{ id: grava Image { id: recc x:50 y:254 source: "Icones/RecStop.png" MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { if(rec == true) rec = false; else rec = true; switch(rec) { case true: grava.state = "Gravando";break; case false: grava.state = "Parado"; break; } } } states: [ State { name: "Gravando" }, State { name: "Parado" } ] Image { id: grav source: "Icones/RecRun.png" visible: grava.state == "Gravando" } Image { id: stpograv source: "Icones/RecStop.png" visible: grava.state == "Parado" } } } Rectangle{ id:user Image { id: laparo x:750 y:112 source: "Icones/Laparo01.png" MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { laparo_ ++; if(laparo_ > 4) laparo_ = 1; switch(laparo_) { case 1: user.state = "Laparo01";break; case 2: user.state = "Laparo02";break; case 3: user.state = "Endoflexivel";break; case 4: user.state = "Histero/Uro";break; } console.log("Go users") } } states: [ State { name: "Laparo01" }, State { name: "Laparo02" }, State { name: "Endoflexivel" }, State { name: "Histero/Uro" } ] Image { id:laparo1 source: "Icones/Laparo01.png" visible: user.state == "Laparo01" } Image { id:laparo2 source: "Icones/Laparo.png" visible: user.state == "Laparo02" } Image { id:laparo3 source: "Icones/Endoflexivel.png" visible: user.state == "Endoflexivel" } Image { id:laparo4 source: "Icones/Histero.png" visible: user.state == "Histero/Uro" } } // desenha p botão menu no canto superior da tela Image { id:connect x:10 y:420 source: "Icones/conectOn.png" } } }
ok. What is the issue now ? Are you not getting the signal from c++ side ? Is it working ?
OK. You can look at the examples my GIT repository. You can look at 'QMLStateChangeFromCPP' under QML directory.
Cool. Enjoy QML coding. You can put the case in to SOLVED state. If you like the answer you can upvote as well :)