Hi ,
Is there some way that I can detect mouse click outside any focussed element.So that I can do some thing when such an event occurs. Say for example , I have a Text input field, when it's in active state, the users clicks outside the textInput field ,anywhere on the screen ,other than inside of that text field.How to handle this situation.Thanks in Advance
For outside area you can define the MouseArea and handle the appropriate signals.
if you want to catch the mouseHover then onExited will help you. For this you need to set hoverEnabled to true in MouseArea.
This is the code that I'm using .
The problem with using mouse area is that , If mouse area is set to entire screen i'm not able to edit TextField.
When I'm editing text, on clicking anywhere on the screen other than than text Input Field, I want my timer to restart.Not able to achieve thisimport QtQuick 2.9
import QtQuick.Window 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: qsTr("Timer")
property bool blink:false
property int blinkInterval:10000TextField { id:textField width:100 height:100 text: "test" onTextChanged: { reset() } background: Rectangle{ id:back color: "white" width:100 height:100 //anchors.fill: parent ColorAnimation on color{ from: "blue" to: "white" duration: 500 running:root.blink loops: 30 onStopped: { console.log("Focus value:" + textField.focus); textField.focus=false ; } } } } function reset(){ timer.restart() root.blink=false back.color="white" } Timer{ id:timer running: textField.focus repeat: false interval: root.blinkInterval onTriggered: { root.blink=true } } MouseArea{ anchors.fill:parent onClicked: { console.log("Mouse Clicked") if(textField.focus === true) { //If clicked anywhere ,other than textinput field(Not handled the textInput area yet) //then reset the timer reset(); } } }
I'm giving you some sample piece handle the mouse events appropriately. Check and adjust the same to your program.
Rectangle { width: 400;height: 400;color:"red" MouseArea{ anchors.fill: parent //enabled: false hoverEnabled: true onClicked: { console.log("Go to hell") } onEntered:{ } onPositionChanged:{ //console.log(" Pos changed ="+mouse.x + " Y ="+mouse.y) var point = Qt.point(mouse.x,mouse.y) if (t.contains(point)) { console.log("I am inside the text field") } } } TextField{ id : t text: "Welcome" hoverEnabled: true } }
Did the solution worked for you ? If it worked move the issue to SOLVED state. It helps others.
Hi @Madesh-R , sorry for the late answer,but if instead of handling the cordinates and the position in the mouseArea,i guess the below code is a more optimal way,
TextField { id:textField width:100 height:100 z: 1 focus: activeFocus } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent z:0 onClicked: { console.log("Hello") forceActiveFocus() }