How to make a Enum known to QML if it is inside a QObject derived class
I have a
derived class, which has severalQ_PROPERTY
values. One of them is an enum, defined in that class. In order to make it known to QML, I would need to doQ_DECLARE_METATYPE(MarkGui)
, but this is not possible asQ_DECLARE_METATYPE
requires a copy constructor, which is forbidden forQ_OBJECT
derived classes. What is the way to do it? -
@maxwell31 said in How to make a Enum known to QML if it is inside a QObject derived class:
I would need to do Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(MarkGui)
Actually you needQ_ENUM
enum MyEnum { ... }; Q_ENUM(MyEnum)
Hm, I was using Q_ENUMS. But When I try to use it, I get the following error:
QMetaProperty::read: Unable to handle unregistered datatype 'myEnumType' for property 'QQmlDMObjectData::myEnumType'.
I also registered the class which hosts the enum:
So the problem seems to be, that I use the enum as a property
how does yourQ_PROPERTY
declaration look like?
Did you add the class namespace to the enum type in the property declaration? -
Here the class:
class MarkGui: public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(MarkType markType READ markType WRITE setMarkType NOTIFY markTypeChanged) public: MarkGui(QObject *parent = 0); explicit MarkGui(Mark * m, QObject *parent = 0); enum MarkType { MOMENT, TIMERANGE, }; Q_ENUM(MarkType);
I tried with adding the class namespace, but it leads to the same result
Hm, it seems I need to register the enum seperatly
qRegisterMetaTypeMarkGui::MarkType("MarkGui::MarkType"); -
Hi @maxwell31,
Usually you have not to register the enum. This would be a pain when you have tens of enums declared.
But you need to register the class hosting the enum, because you need a keyword to access the enum from QML side.So
more callingqmlRegisterType<MarkGui>("MarkGui",1,0,"MarkGui");
at runtime should be enough to retrieve the enum from QML.This works perfectly on my side:
#ifndef MARKGUI_H #define MARKGUI_H #include <QObject> #include <QtQml> class MarkGui: public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(MarkType markType READ markType WRITE setMarkType NOTIFY markTypeChanged) public: MarkGui(QObject *parent = 0) : QObject(parent){}; enum MarkType { MOMENT, TIMERANGE, }; Q_ENUM(MarkType); MarkType markType() const { return m_markType; } static void declareQml(){ qmlRegisterType<MarkGui>("MarkGui", 1, 0, "MarkGui"); } public slots: void setMarkType(MarkType markType) { if (m_markType == markType) return; m_markType = markType; emit markTypeChanged(m_markType); } signals: void markTypeChanged(MarkType markType); private: MarkType m_markType; }; #endif // MARKGUI_H
//main() //... MarkGui markGui; MarkGui::declareQml(); QQmlApplicationEngine engine; engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("markGui", &markGui); ...
Then from QML:
import MarkGui 1.0 ... markGui.markType = MarkGui.MOMENT console.log(markGui.markType) markGui.markType = MarkGui.TIMERANGE console.log(markGui.markType)
qml: 0 qml: 1