Continuously reading the change of a variable happens in one qml file in another qml file
Hi, I am new to QML and have this problem:
I have two QML files, Curve.qml, and the other one is Screen.qml
The Curve.qml has a graph in which I want to detect if there are any changes happened in the curve or not, I mean if the user increased or decreased any value in the curve. The code in Curve.qml is:
Rectangle { id: curvepage width: 320 height: 240 property bool modified: false // initially no changes happened in the curve // I want to check when modified is turned to true and read this change in Screen.qml if (button === "up" || button === "down" ) { curvepage.modified = true; }
In Screen.qml, it is another screen in which I want to detect the change of (modified), if it turns True that means the curve has been edited by a user. the Screen.qml is:
ScreenBase { id: root if (button === "1"){ // a button when i press, what it does is either to show a popup warning that no changes in the curve have been done, or to activate a button without any warnings if changes happened to the curve. if (functions.func1) { // this is just to check if the function is set or not if(curvepage.modified ===false){ showNotice = true // this shows a popup that no changes happened in the curve } else if(curvepage.modified === true) { functions.functionPressed; // a button is pressed and shown pressed on screen and no popup warnings are shown } } } Curve { id: curvepage modified: false }
thhe problem is that it usually read the set value of (modified) in curve in Screen.qml file, for example if i changed this value to True, it will actiavte the button and will not show popup window, I want to check this change from Curve.qml
I want to check this change from Curve.qml
Your question and last statement confused me. What I understand is that you would like to 1. change the variable in Curve.qml.
2. Check this change in Screen.qml
3. Based on the value you would like to show the popup.Hope this is the correct problem statement.
Now you are already creating the Curve object inside the Screen.qml. Check onModifiiedChange signal inside the curvepage in Screen.qml. Based on this you take the appropriate action. -
Hi, thank you for your reply. Yeah what I want is:
1- When Up or Down buttons in Curve.qml is pressed, (modified) changes from false to true (that already happens correctly in Curve.qml)
2- I want to check this change in Screen.qml, i mean to check that modifeid is changed to true.
3- Based on this (modifeid is changed or not) i will take an actionI tried this:
I tried to add this part in curvepage in Screen.qml, but did not work as i want.
id: curvepage modified: false onModifiedChanged:{ if(curvepage.modified ===false){ curvepage.modified = true }
and also i added to Curve.qml
signal modifiedChanged
But it seems i do something wrong
ok. No need to add modifiedChanged signal. When you declare any property it will have signal defined already. In your case modified is the property added. So it will have signal called modifiedChanged in Curve.qml
You should just call in Screen.qml
Curve { onModifiedChanged :{ console.log(modified) } }
This should work for you. Just check. If not I will give you sample program shortly.
Thanks again, but it did not work with me, I am not sure if this maybe a reason or not but in Screen.qml, the if condition is under onMainButtonPressed like this
ScreenBase { id: root onMainButtonPressed: { if (button === "1"){ // a button when i press, what it does is either to show a popup warning that no changes in the curve have been done, or to activate a button without any warnings if changes happened to the curve. if (functions.func1) { // this is just to check if the function is set or not if(curvepage.modified ===false){ showNotice = true // this shows a popup that no changes happened in the curve } else if(curvepage.modified === true) { functions.functionPressed; // a button is pressed and shown pressed on screen and no popup warnings are shown } } } } will this cause a problem when i call (modified) from Curve object on the same Screen.qml? It looks like it only reads the modified value that i set initially, I mean if in Curve object I do like this:
id: curvepage modified: true onModifiedChanged :{ console.log(modified) }
it will perform the other option when modifeid is true
Check the following sample. Based on this you should be able to make your changes.
======Screen.qml ===== import QtQuick 2.11 import QtQuick.Window 2.11 Window { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Hello World") MyCurve{ id : curve onModifiedChanged: { console.log(modified) } } } ============MyCurve.qml ========== import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 2.2 Rectangle { id : top width: 400;height: 400;color: "blue" property bool modified : false Row { Button{ text :"True" onClicked: { top.modified=true; } } Button{ text :"False" onClicked: { top.modified=false; } } } }
@mamoud is the issue resolved ? Do you need help ?
Hi, thank you for this, but I still have the problem. modified state is not changed in Screen.qml file.
Here I can show you more detailed code, maybe i have another problem that cause this.
In Curve.qml
Rectangle { id: curvepage width: 320 height: 240 property bool modified: false // initially no changes happened in the curve // I want to check when modified is turned to true and read this change in Screen.qml if (button === "up" || button === "down" ) { curvepage.modified = true; }
I guess no prolem here. But in Screen.qml, I have this:
ScreenBase { // object from anothe qml file called **ScreenBase.qml** id: root onMainButtonPressed: {// from ScreenBase.qml file if (button === "1"){ // a button when i press, what it does is either to show a popup warning that no changes in the curve have been done, or to activate a button without any warnings if changes happened to the curve. if (functions.func1) { // this is just to check if the function is set or not if(curvepage.modified ===false){ showNotice = true // this shows a popup that no changes happened in the curve } else if(curvepage.modified === true) { functions.functionPressed; // a button is pressed and shown pressed on screen and no popup warnings are shown } } } Curve{ // object is called inside **ScreenBase object** which is written in **Screen.qml file** id: curvepage modified: true onModifiedChanged :{ console.log(modified) } } }
Does this make any problem while calling the variable (modified) from Curve.qml to Screen.qml. should i add anything in ScreenBase.qml??
The ScreenBase.qml file is a rectangle like this:
Rectangle { id: root width: 320 height: 240 clip: true // and some other buttons definitions
Also to clarify, When i press a butto to change a value on the curve, no matter if i increase or decrease, I just want to check if there is any change, so if i did not press any button, (modified) will be false, if i press any button (modified) will be true
Thank you very much for your help, but i am abit confused while dealing with those different files