Integrate Qt VS tools with vcpkg-installed Qt
I have installed the qt5 library using vcpkg ./vcpkg install qt5:x64-windows
Under ${vcpkg_root}/installed/x64-windows/tools, there are 6 sub-directories:
qt5: holds 2 conf files qt_release.conf and qt_debug.conf having the following structure:
Documentation = share/qt5/doc
Headers = include
Libraries = debug/lib
Binaries = debug/tools/qt5
LibraryExecutables = debug/tools/qt5
Plugins = debug/plugins
Qml2Imports = debug/qml
Data = share/qt5/debug
ArchData = share/qt5/debug
HostData = share/qt5/debug
HostBinaries = tools/qt5 -
qt5-3d, qt5-declarative, qt5-scxml, qt5-tools, and qt5-xmlpatterns which all have an empty qt.conf file
I tried to add all the possible paths in the "Add New Qt Version" of the Qt VS Tools, each time I get the error:
${SPECIFIED_PATH}/bin/qmake.exe is not found.
qmake.exe is directly under qt5 directory, there is no bin/ sub-directory.
.\qmake.exe -v
QMake version 3.1
Using Qt version 5.11.2 in C:/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/tools/qt5/${CURRENT_INSTALLED_DIR}/debug/lib -
this is indeed true. VS add on as of version 2.3.2 does not verify API by actual files, but only looks for 'bin/qmake.exe' in the directory you will specify which makes the addon pretty useless with vcpkg .
Qt could integrate qmake functionality in the VS Addon itself and make certain test to verify SDK integrity. -
After running
vcpkg install qt5
I get its release and debug separately, debug is in /debug/bin and /debug/lib.
is there some method to combine them like as Qt officially configured them in their distros?
Note if Qt5 building from sources by manual configure and jom (nmake) then release and debug will placed into same dir.