Qt for WebAssembly
I'm currently trying to make "photo album" app just for Qml WebAssembly testing.
And i have some issue with Image.I have found this known issues:
Network access: The web sandbox limits network access to a subset of what is available for native apps.
QNetworkAccessManager http requests to the web page origin server, or to a server which supports CORS.Simple main.qml
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 Window { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Hello World") Image { id: liveImageItem height: parent.height width: parent.width source: "http://mydomain.com/img.jpg" } }
I downloaded wasm binary and other files to mydomain.com
Well, i opening mydomain, see Qt logo, downloading/compiling and white screen.
What's wrong? -
any hints in the browser's console? -
Oh, sorry, yes.
Firefox showing it sometimes:
Error: WebGL warning: texSubImage2D: Texture has not been initialized prior to a partial upload, forcing the browser to clear it. This may be slow. qtloader.js line 409 > eval:1:259963
Error: WebGL warning: texSubImage2D: This operation requires zeroing texture data.