[SOLVED] QCheckBox in a QTableWidget
i created a simple loop in a QTableWidget with checkboxes but i dont know how i get their objectnames.
for (int i=0; i < total_items; i++) {
QCheckBox *cb = new QCheckBox();
tableWidget->setCellWidget(i, 0, cb);
tableWidget->setItem(i, 1, new QTableWidgetItem("name" + i));
@when i click the OK button, i want to detect if the checkboxes are checked or not but i dont have any idea how to get their objectnames.
hope you could give some advices on how to deal with this. thank you.
You can simply loop over the items again, right? Either you store pointers to the checkboxes separately (in a QList<QCheckBox*> or a QVector<QCheckBox*>, or you simply retreive the pointer to the widget again from your tablewidgetitem and cast it to a QCheckBox* again.
Note: QTableWidget can also display checkboxes by itself. No separate widgets needed...
Do you know of the "Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qt.html#ItemFlag-enum flag for table wiget items (and all other item view/widget classes)?
can QTableWidget display checkboxes by itself without the need of seperate widgets ?
plz tell me how. -
i'll checkout Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable .
by the way QList<QCheckBox*> worked wonders thanks.