Access delegate item properties from outside
I have a flickable
. In thisGridView
I have custom buttons. My custom buttons change their border color when they are pressed, and when they are released, the border color changes back to the original.Now my problem: If I start a flick on a button, the border color is changing (which is OK). However, after the flick is done, the release event is stolen by the
, so the button color does not change back. I thought I will fix this by creating a function which is called insideonFlickEnded{}
:function resetButtonColorAfterFlick() { var i for(i=0; i<gridView.model.count;i++) { var myob =gridView.children[0].children[i] if(myob.children[0].state=="normal") myob.children[0].border.color="#646464" } }
While this is working, I don't know how I am supposed to access the delegate properties here. The above solution with
cannot be how it is supposed to be done, or? -
@maxwell31 Hi,
How do you make the border color changing ? Can we see the code of the delegate ?
In my opinion it's better to handle this in the code of the button instead of accessing to the delegate to change it's state.Here is a simple code which work on my side. It uses the State mechanism:
//main.qml import QtQuick 2.9 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 Window { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: qsTr("Hello World") GridView{ anchors.fill: parent model: 50 delegate: MyButton{ text: "" + index } } }
//MyButton.qml Button { background: Rectangle{ id: bg border.width: 1 border.color: "blue" } states: [ State { name: "pressed" PropertyChanges { target: bg; border.color: "red" } } ] state: pressed ? "pressed" : "" }