How to create Q_PROPERTYies that can handle javascript's array operator?
I'm trying to figure out how to evaluate expressions using the QJSEngine. I'm interested in just evaluating Javascript - not QML - but I know they're related in Qt, so I thought I'd post this here.
Anyhow, I know in Javascript the [] operator is used like a lookup into a hash map. So myObject[3] and myObject["horse"] will respectively return the named child object mapped to those keys.
I'd like to do something similar with the Scene object I'm designing that I plan to expose to the Javascript engine:
class Node : public QObject { Q_OBJECT QString m_name; public: Node(QWidget *parent = nullptr); const QString& name() { return m_name; } } class Scene : public QObject { Q_OBJECT HashMap<int, Node*> m_nodeIdMap; public: Scene(QWidget *parent = nullptr); Node* node(int id) { return m_nodeIdMap[id]; } public slots: void setNode(int id, Node* node) { m_nodeIdMap[id] = node; } };
If I create an instance of Scene and expose it to my Javascript engine with the name 'scene', what would I need to do to have it be able to respond to javascript code like:
print scene.node[3].name;
Did you check whether qqmllistproperty can help ?
I did, but it seems like it is specific to lists rather than maps. I'd like to be able to handle strings as map values too.
I just found QQmlPropertyMap. This may be what I'm looking for. However, there is no example of how to use it as a property. It also seems to be a full hash map in and of itself rather than a wrapper around the hash I'm currently using.