SMTP Client
Has been a while since i worked with QT. A couple of years ago I used the bluetiger9/SmtpClient-for-Qt and worked pretty good as i recall. I have a new desktop computer so i lost the old QT and the configuration. I have a brand new install of QT.
I created a new project (test1) and compile it and runs, i get the empty window. In the project folder i created a folder smtp and put the contents of the scr folder from the download in there. I added a folder to the project by right click on the project and selecting add. I added the network keyword to the .pro QT directive (so i have core gui network).
The first error that i get is "multiple definition of qmain" but i don't get how can it be picked up again by the compilor.
Thanks for the help. -
I solved the problem maybe in a troglodyte way. On the definition of every class right after the word class was a macro called SMTP_EXPORT which in term called a QT macro either Q_DECL_EXPORT or Q_DECL_IMPORT i'm guessing depending if you are building the library or using it once built.
I didn't know how to use this as a library, so my solution was to delete SMTP_EXPORT from each class and compile all the classes as part of the program.
I don't know what implication that may have, but the program works nicely.