Calling ListView's model crashes the application
Hi all,
Would anyone have an idea why my application crashes when I'm calling the model of my ListView? I'm creating a list which has text and a checkbox on each row. On my qml file I'm creating the list like this:
ListView {
id: listViewAll
width: 300
height: 380
model: allListsModel
delegate: contentOneLine
clip: trueComponent { id: contentOneLine ListItem { height: ListView.view.orientation == ListView.Horizontal ? parent.height : 60 width: ListView.view.orientation == ListView.Horizontal ? 100 : parent.width id: listitem ListItemText { id: listitemtext height: 23 text: type } CheckBox { id: checkBox anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: platformStyle.paddingLarge checked: tick onCheckedChanged: { console.log(listViewAll); console.log(listViewAll.model); } } } } }
The list model is implemented in cpp file:
ShoppingListModel::ShoppingListModel(QObject *parent)
: QAbstractListModel(parent)
QHash<int, QByteArray> roles;
roles[TypeRole] = "type";
roles[TickRole] = "tick";
}void ShoppingListModel::addShoppingList(const ShoppingList &shoppinglist)
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), rowCount(), rowCount());
m_shoppinglists << shoppinglist;
}int ShoppingListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex & parent) const {
return m_shoppinglists.count();
}QVariant ShoppingListModel::data(const QModelIndex & index, int role) const {
if (index.row() < 0 || index.row() > m_shoppinglists.count())
return QVariant();const ShoppingList &shoppinglist = m_shoppinglists[index.row()]; if (role == TypeRole) return shoppinglist.type(); else if (role == TickRole){ return shoppinglist.tick(); } return QVariant();
@I create the model and add it to the qdeclarative context by:
QmlApplicationViewer viewer;
QDeclarativeContext *viewerCtxt = viewer.rootContext();
ShoppingListModel model;
ShoppingList sl1 = ShoppingList("Cleaning equipment");
model.addShoppingList(sl1);ShoppingList sl2 = ShoppingList("For weekend");
viewerCtxt->setContextProperty("allListsModel", &model);
@I want to update the model when the checkbox is checked or unchecked, but the row where I call
crashes the application.
The application starts and shows the page correctly, so the model is found at that point. But why does calling the model again crash the whole thing? I would appreciate any help!
I guess the console.log() tries to convert model to string or call model's toString() like function, but there is no such function.
I think you should not use console.log() to print the model -
I added to my model
void ShoppingListModel::testMe() const
qDebug() << "Testing model";
and changed the onCheckChanged to
so it seems to me that the model is destroyed. But this is the first time I'm writing any C++ code so I don't understand why it would be destroyed. -
[quote author="Sarry" date="1316500401"]... this is the first time I'm writing any C++ code so I don't understand why it would be destroyed.[/quote]
Then this is the most probable reason.
[quote author="mbrasser" date="1316476084"](e.g. it is constructed on the stack and goes out of scope)?[/quote]See "The stack and the heap":