Getting error: ‘unavailable synchroneous data’ in Qt Creator during debugging
Hey guys, I'm getting this strange error in Qt while debugging .. Here's whats happening: I am debugging inside this function/method "ustawGracza" which is part of a class named Table. However, when I'm halted at a specific line within this function and I look at the Local Watch, I see all the variables of this class object listed, however next to all of them it says: 'unavailable synchroneous data' (spelled exactly like this). When I try to access any such variable "aktualnyGracz" or another variable within this function, the program crashes. In the constructor variables are displayed good.
This is my code:server.h
class Server : public QObject
Table *zwrocTable()
{ return table; }
QList<Gracz *> listaGracz;
qint16 naszIndex;
...public slots:
void startGame();
QWidget *parentWindow;
Table *table;};
void Server::startGame()
table = new Table(parentWindow, listaGracz, naszIndex);
connect(table, SIGNAL(closeTable()), this, SLOT(closeServer()), Qt::DirectConnection);
connect(table, SIGNAL(podbij(quint16)), this, SLOT(podbij(quint16)), Qt::DirectConnection);
connect(table, SIGNAL(spasuj()), this, SLOT(spasuj()));
class Table : public QMainWindow, public Ui::TableWindow
Table(QWidget *parent, QList<Gracz *> &l, qint16 &n);
void ustawGracza(qint16 index);private:
qint16 naszIndex;
QList<Gracz *> listaWskaz;
Table::Table(QWidget *parent, QList<Gracz *> &l, qint16 &n) :
QMainWindow(parent), listaWskaz(l), naszIndex(n)
{}void Table::ustawGracza(qint16 index)
{qDebug() << "something " << index; qDebug() << aktualnyGracz; uaktualnij();
@I’m using Windows 7 32bit, Qt 4.7.3 (32 bit).
Can you help me?