Qt Creator 2.0.1 Queries
There was a bug with QTcreator where it wouldnt sign a sis file correctly and give no warnings if there was a passphrase to the cert/key pair.The bug tracker says this is fixed, but when i sign my app with my Developer cert and assign it ReadDeviceData capabilities it signs without warnings but does not install on my device.It installs if i remove the ReadDeviceDAta capabilities.
Any advice on this? -
Is there any way in Qt creator 2.0.1 to change tool chain from GCCE to WINSCW?
3)Does Debugging on Device need a special setup or is it not working in this release?
Thank you.
1: Try a snapshot of Qt Creator. I am not sure that the passphrase support made it into the 2.0.1 version. It definitely is in the master branch though (and thus will end up in Qt Creator 2.1.0).
2: There is, but only if your Qt version supports it.
3: It does work. Please "file a bug report":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/ if you experience any trouble.