Qt installation aborts because of missing dependencies
Hi, I'm trying to install Qt open source on a laptop DELL running Win 10 64 bits. At the end of the extraction of metadata I get a missing dependencies message (even before I have chance to choose the Qt version I want to install) and cannot continue. I search on the forum but did't find an answer.
Any help is welcome.
I bypassed the problem by retreving on internet qt-unified-windows-x86-2.0.5-online.exe and using it instead of qt-unified-windows-x86-3.0.5-online.exe.
PS: But, alas, it bugged elsewhere...
PSS: It seems to work with qt-unified-windows-x86-3.0.1-online.exe found here.JClaude
I had the same problem but did the full download instead of the online install and it worked.
@runfastman said in Qt installation aborts because of missing dependencies:
I had the same problem but did the full download instead of the online install and it worked.
The online installer should be working fine now. Please let us know if it's not.