[SOLVED] QProcess hell
Hi all,
I'm trying to have something like this:- a REST service is handling requests in a thread per request
- a Process Pool Manager (QObject child class) is responsible for starting processes, and storing processes output of finite kind of processes.
- Request Handlers may use the Process Pool Manager (via queued signals) to start a process and get the process output.
- To avoid the super nerves killing:
@"QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread"@
the Process Pool Manager is started in his own thread, processes are started only from this thread.
At this point I've got this killing message #2 when trying to connect signals emitted from my QProcess(es) to my Process Pool Manager slots:
@Warning: QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QProcess::ProcessError'@
Ok, so I've try to add
in my Process Pool Manager Class declaration, but still have the message...
Any clue?
Thank you for your help. -
[quote author="dword" date="1315839798"]At this point I've got this killing message #2 when trying to connect signals emitted from my QProcess(es) to my Process Pool Manager slots:[/quote]
You most probably got this message:
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QProcess::ProcessError'
(Make sure 'QProcess::ProcessError' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
@ -
Thank you very much Lukas it worked just fine.
@Andre: I did search and those are the first lines from my Qt documentation:bq. Registers the type name typeName for the type T. Returns the internal ID used by QMetaType. Any class or struct that has a public default constructor, a public copy constructor and a public destructor can be registered.
So I don't see how, based on that, I can guess that it allows me to register an enum from another class. But maybe it's just my understanding...