Using Qt's debug libraries to debug Qt.
I have installed Qt using the Qt Online Installer for linux. Looking in the 5.11.1/gcc_64/lib directory, I see each library is there twice. The second one has an extra ".debug" suffix. I believe that I should be able to debug into Qt source if I can link with the debug version.
How do I specify to use the Qt debug libraries? I am doing a cmake build using QtCreator and running kubuntu 18.04.
These are just the debug informations which get loaded by gdb when you're debugging. So all should work already.
It did not work initially. I then added a .gdbinit with source paths and it is working now. There are a lot of source paths to setup in .gdbinit to get full Qt coverage. Is there any automatic method of setting this up?
At least you can search all path similar like this
find /<install_path>/5.11.1/gcc_64/lib -name "*.debug" | xargs dirname | sort -u
The .gdb dir command needs the source paths, not the *.debug path.
I am doing Ok by manually adding the needed paths. Closing.