OAuth2 best way to debug?
I am trying to get OAuth2 to work with a specific provider, but although I am setting everything correctly, I run into issues:
Status change to TemporaryCredentialsReceived
qt.networkauth.oauth2: Unexpected call
qt.networkauth.replyhandler: Error transferring
https://<host>/v1/oauth2/token - server replied: Bad RequestDo you guys have any recommendations for debugging this type of problems? I want to see the request that is being sent. I got this to work using CURL but not in QT with the new OAUth2 libraries. It fails when it tries to retrieve the refresh and access tokens.
I placed in the main the following statement:
QLoggingCategory::setFilterRules("qt.networkauth.*=true");and this generates some additional messages, but not enough. I am building a debug version of QT and I will have to use the debugger to see what's going on.