Coda on nokia nokia c5-03: error
i proved using my app on nokia c5-03 with coda. the error is:
Launch failed: Command answer [command error], 1 values(s) to request: 'C|8|Processes|start|""|"createANote.exe"|[""]|[]|false'
#0 {"Code":-1,Format="Failed to create the process (verify that the executable and all required DLLs have been transferred) (item not found)"}
Error: 'Failed to create the process (verify that the executable and all required DLLs have been transferred) (item not found)' Code: -1
@could someone say me why, please?
Does you have installed the coda component on the device ?
Mmmh... I was too simple, if it was this the problem :)
Well, I haven't idea of what version you are using at the moment but I have updated the Qt to the latest 4.7.4 version including Qt Creator 2.3.0 (I thik this is the version, anyway the last Qt Creator versions). To my side, in a Windos 7 development environment with an E7-00 device I saw another strange behavior: I have always used TRK to deploy and test the application.
After the update the Creator console signaled a problem running CODA that I have never setup. Thus I have installed the CODA component on the device (this is the reason that I asked to you) and now the application is deployed but the console messages from the QML never appears. I suppose that something is dramatically changed in Qt Creator or there is some minor bug for which it is needed a workaround. Tomorrow late morning I should manage this problem and keep you updated.Hope that maybe sufficient for now.
thank you for resplies.
i work on windows 7 ultimate and use qt 4.7.4 and qt creator 2.3. i installed the app on nokia c5-03, never updated. on this device i installed trk and coda.
coda version 4.0.23 and trk version 3.2.7. trk api version 3.6. coda and trk work with usb and plug and play, with silent istallation on E:/ (memory sd 2GB). -
Yep, thank you for the specifications. In this moment I am on Mac but I remember that these are my same working conditions. Hope that it is not a but of the new version... Did you have read in the labs blog the release notes of the Qt Creator 2.3.0 that is included in this version / update?
Which version of coda is that? Try downgrading it to version 2.0.16 if possible. IIRC CODA learned some new tricks after that version that unfortunately break some things for Qt Creator in more complex setups:-( We are looking to fix this ASAP.
@Tobias: many thanks for the information. As a matter of fact, at the moment I have not the needs of CODA, I installed it only because the system asked me (and to see what happens). Is there a way in the new Qt Creator 2.3 to setup the device deployment using only TRK for now ? My worry is that I never see my debug messages on the Qt Creator console while the application is working. BTW using with Mac the same updates developing with Harmattan Meego 1.2 N950 device I have not experienced this problem and all is working fine (regarding this side). Is this a problem of Windows dev env only ?
CODA is for Symbian development only, so it should not effect Harmattan/Meego.
The Symbian team has decided that CODA is what they want to offer, so we are now relying on it. TRK is no longer supported by Qt Creator 2.3.
Great! Many thanks, Tobias.
I apologize that I have not had time to read the release details of the new version but I am lost in troubles with my developments.
Do you know if there is a secure way to downgrade CODA and what is the method ?
Many thanks
I recently upgraded Qt SDK to the latest version and now I can no longer debug applications for Symbian S60v3 FP1.
When I click run on device button it compiles the application and then shows the message that says that CODA is not running. I tired to install the CODA on my N82 but I get message that platform is not supported. What should I do now? It's no win situation as I also develop for Symbian^3 & Belle...