Creating a start dialog to set options which functionalities to load - second QQmlApplicationEngine?
I have a program which can access hardware or can be used as a file reader without hardware.
I would like to show the user a QML dialog at software start to select whether the software shall run in hardware access mode or file reader mode. And then afterwards I would like to create instances of the necessary classes and set the right context properties in my main.cpp.
How can I achieve this?
I thought about creating two QQmlApplication engines.
The first one asks the user, sets a variable which mode shall be used and is then closed.
Then the necessary classes would be instantiated, registered and the main QQmlApplicationEngine would load.Is there another good way?
If I would try it like described, my question is, how can I make my Code in my main.cpp wait until the first engine is closed (engine.load() is not blocking)?Thank you very much :-)
Would something like the following work:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QQmlApplicationEngine* engine; engine = new QQmlApplicationEngine(); //setup engine for app1 //... //Setup C++ to get values back from engine //... engine->load(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/main1.qml"))); if (engine->rootObjects().isEmpty()) return -1; int a = app.exec(); qDebug() << "Ended App 1 with result: " << a; delete(engine); engine = new QQmlApplicationEngine(); //Setup engine for app2 //... engine->load(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/main2.qml"))); if (engine->rootObjects().isEmpty()) return -1; int b = app.exec(); qDebug() << "Ended App 2 with result: " << b; delete(engine); return b; }