Qt Quick components for Symbian 1
Hi all,
The Qt quick components for symbian does not seem to work on the nokia x6 which is symbian 1. It works fine in the emulator though. How do I get the components to work for nokia x6? If not, are the qml files available and can they be just included in the project. It looks very painful to have to write codes for buttons and such when there is a beautiful ui component set staring at me.regards
Qt Quick components are "not available for Symbian ^1 yet":http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/07/06/ready-made-ui-building-blocks-at-your-service-qt-quick-components-for-symbian-and-meego-1-2-harmattan/, the source code of Qt Components are hosted in "Gitorious":http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-components/qt-components.
Another alternative is "QML UI Templates library":http://projects.developer.nokia.com/QMLTemplates/wiki that provide commonly used UI components for generic use with QML.
Qt Quick Components are not available for S60v5 out of box. Nevertheless I just shared sources of the sample application on Google Code "here":http://goo.gl/u2TCy, which will demonstrate you, how to bring the power of them to S60 5th edition platform too. The key idea is to build them from sources and then embed into Symbian installer as Qt Quick plugins.