Problems with Windows deployment
Hi. I'm a MacOs programmer trying to port my application to windows.
My application runs without problem when started from QtCreator.
When I try to start it from the command line I got an exception without any kind of explanation.
My .pro file only uses: QT += core gui
This application already runs in a MacOs version where I just need to deploy QtGui and QtCore shared libraries.
In the application directory I am copying the following files:
Am I missing some file?
Thank's in Advance,
Ary Medeiros
Are you compiling your application as release?
What kind of exception are you getting? Is there a stack trace or something?
The same problems occours in both versions, release and debug. In this case is the release version.
The exception that I got is a message that my app found an error and must be closed. And ask's me to send an error report to Microsoft. When I click for details, it shows me the an exception accours into the module qtcore4.dll ModVer Offset: 0x005402b.
The strange thing is that when I run my app through QtCreator it runs with no error.
Sounds like you are missing some files...
There is a nice tool called procmon for windows which is a great help in a situation like this: It can list (among other things) all the files a application tried to open.
Thanks you both for the quick answer. I used the tool mentioned ahead, and found that the working directory used by QtCreator was diferent than my executable. Due this I got 2 missing files.
Now I keep moving again.