[SOLVED] Changing QTableWidget's horizontal headers' order
Hi there,
I've been looking around for a solution to this problem without much success, I've read the docs also but could not find it either.
I have a three column table with 200 columns, as it is the horizontal header numerates the rows starting from 1 (1-200), but I would like to have them numerated starting from 0 (0-199). My option at the moment is to hide the header altogheter and add an extra "numeration" column, but I'm confident that it should be possible and simple to do that.
Does anybody has any hints ?
Best regards
You can control the labels with "QTableWidget::setVerticalHeaderLabels":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qtablewidget.html#setVerticalHeaderLabels
Then a solution could be :
QStringList headerLabels;
for (int i = 0; i < table->rowCount(); ++i)
headerLabels << QString::number(i);
@By the way, is your rowCount always fixed or is it a dynamic content ?
You might considder using a QTableView then, and use QStandardItemModel (or some other model) for your data. If you subclass QStandardItemModel, you can easily reimplement headerData() to return the right label. That would save you from keeping track of it manually.