Update QTreeView on add data to subitem
I have a QTreeView with data
item 1
subitem 1-1
sub sub item 1-1-1
sub sub item 1-1-2
sub sub item 1-1-3
item 2
I have a model from QAbstractItemModel
When I add new sub item 2-1 to item 2 my tree view update good, but when I try add data to item, whitch already have data (for example add subitem 1-2 to item 1) my view doesn't update (item is invisible in view tree). How I can correct this?
I try use dataChanged, but I can use it for 1st level of tree only. I don't now how use it for subitemvoid ModelTreeObject::insertOrUpdate(QVector<TreeData*> &treeDatas) { foreach (TreeData* treeData, treeDatas) { bool update = false; for(int i = 0; i < rootItem->childCount(); i++) { if(rootItem->child(i)->id() == treeData->id)//update { rootItem->child(i)->setData(treeData); update = true; emit dataChanged(index(i,0), index(i,4)); break; } } if(!update) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(),rootItem->childCount(),rootItem->childCount()); rootItem->insertChildren(rootItem->childCount(), treeData); endInsertRows(); } } } void ModelTreeObject::remove(quint64 id) { for(int i = 0; i < rootItem->childCount(); i++) { if(rootItem->child(i)->id() == id) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(),i,i); rootItem->removeChildren(i,1); endRemoveRows(); break; } } }
@klynxe said in Update QTreeView on add data to subitem:
emit dataChanged(index(i,0), index(i,4));
I could be wrong ( :) ), but where do you get that
takes aparent
, which is needed for non-top-level items. In a tree view I think you must use for sub-items? -
@klynxe said in Update QTreeView on add data to subitem:
emit dataChanged(index(i,0), index(i,4));
You are passing the wrong a indexes. Those are 4 columns in the top level, you should pass 1 more argument specifying the parent to each