I have the same problem and my program is developed on windows .
General and Desktop
Re: QOpenGLWidget makes entire window black on resize
There is something strange that when my widget is inherited from QGLWidget there is nothing wrong, and when my widget is inherited from QOpenGLWidget , I got the problem. Looking forward to your reply!
The version of my QT is Qt5.7.0, and my os is windows 2010 . I used Qt4 before and there was no error but when I updated the qt version from Qt4.8.6 to Qt5.7.0 I got the error. Once I resize the window, all in the window turn to be black and there is nothing left. Any other information I can offer for you?
Perhaps these could help https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/sourcebreaks.html#changes-to-qt-opengl