Qt Install framework Icon creation in Linux does not work
Qt Creator and other tools
I Add into installer custom script to create icons, made in the example, after the launch writes that the command successfully but the desktop file is not created.
function Controller () { installer.uninstallationFinished.connect (this, Controller.prototype.uninstallationFinished); installer.installationFinished.connect (this, Controller.prototype.installationFinished); } Controller.prototype.installationFinished = function () { console.log ("start icons"); if (systemInfo.kernelType === "winnt") { installer.performOperation ("CreateShortcut", "@TargetDir @ / @ Name @ .exe", "@DesktopDir @ / @ Name @ .lnk"); } if (systemInfo.kernelType === "linux") { console.log ("start icons Linux"); installer.performOperation ("CreateDesktopEntry", "@HomeDir @ /. Local / share / applications / @ Name @ .desktop", "Version = @ Version @ \ nType = Application \ nTerminal = false \ nExec = @ TargetDir @ / @ Name @ .sh \ nName = @ Name @ \ nIcon = @ TargetDir @ / icon.png \ nName [en_US] = YourApp_name" ); installer.performOperation ("Copy", "@HomeDir @ /. Local / share / applications / @ Name @ .desktop", "@ HomeDir @ / Desktop / @ Name @ .desktop"); } } Controller.prototype.uninstallationFinished = function () { }
ubuntu 16 04
Qt Install framework 3.0.4Wrote permissions for maintenance tool. [9823] Maintenance tool restart: false. [9824] start icons [9824] start icons Linux [9824] perform operation: CreateDesktopEntry [9824] - arguments: /home/endrii/.local/share/applications/qt-deployer.desktop [9824] Done [9826] undo operation: CreateDesktopEntry [9826] - arguments: /home/endrii/.local/share/applications/qt-deployer.desktop [9826] Done [9826] perform operation: Copy [9826] - arguments: /home/endrii/.local/share/applications/qt-deployer.desktop [9826] Done [9826] undo operation: Copy [9826] - arguments: /home/endrii/.local/share/applications/qt-deployer.desktop [9826] Done [12066] Control script callback "FinishedPageCallback" does not exist.
What could be the problem ?