jpeglib functionalities implemented by Qt
I have compressed jpeg file by standard jpeglib library in C++. I do not know whether there is qt functionalities which might be used to decompress jpeg files instead of using jpeg_start_decompress(...), jpeg_read_scanlines(...) etc. Are there some functionalities for that?
What you mean by decompress ?
QPixmap and QImage can load jpeg files directly.
Is it a special jpeg file ? -
The rough outline of a JPEG compression operation is:
Allocate and initialize a JPEG compression object
Specify the destination for the compressed data (eg, a file)
Set parameters for compression, including image size & colorspace
while (scan lines remain to be written) jpeg_write_scanlines(...);
Release the JPEG compression object
Ok, let me rephrase it.
You just want to load a normal jpeg in Qt and display it ?
The format is fully supported and Qt can just load it in one
so unless you want to do something special while decompressing
im not sure why you cant just use the QPixmap or QImage ?