No rule to make target qrc_qml.cpp
@dheerendra said in No rule to make target qrc_qml.cpp:
It is only a issue of some file path. Just start fresh. Close all the project. Remove build directory. Remove *.pro.user. Also just ensure that there is no file called qrc_qml.cpp. If exist remove that also. Open the pro file again. Everything should work fine.
What was proposed seemed right. But after 45 minutes of attempts I always have the same error.
il file QML that call it is only edit.qml and dichiarative is :
import "./mycomponent"
crazy, I just can not understand
maybe the real problem are the things you do not find when compiling? see the lines with "Could Not Find"
mingw32-make[1]: Entering directory 'C:/Generale/OneDrive - ELICAT SRL - 03978700288/Developer/QtApplicazioni/youtube_and_web/EVILEG/SQLiteDbAcccesListModel_V3_funziona_con_slot_signal_bidirezionale/build-SQLiteDbAccessListModel-Desktop_Qt_5_9_4_MinGW_32bit-Debug' del release\qrc_qml.cpp Could Not Find C:\Generale\OneDrive - ELICAT SRL - 03978700288\Developer\QtApplicazioni\youtube_and_web\EVILEG\SQLiteDbAcccesListModel_V3_funziona_con_slot_signal_bidirezionale\build-SQLiteDbAccessListModel-Desktop_Qt_5_9_4_MinGW_32bit-Debug\release\qrc_qml.cpp del release\moc_predefs.h Could Not Find C:\Generale\OneDrive - ELICAT SRL - 03978700288\Developer\QtApplicazioni\youtube_and_web\EVILEG\SQLiteDbAcccesListModel_V3_funziona_con_slot_signal_bidirezionale\build-SQLiteDbAccessListModel-Desktop_Qt_5_9_4_MinGW_32bit-Debug\release\moc_predefs.h del release\moc_database.cpp release\moc_listmodel.cpp release\moc_editmodel.cpp release\moc_qmldebugger.cpp Could Not Find C:\Generale\OneDrive - ELICAT SRL - 03978700288\Developer\QtApplicazioni\youtube_and_web\EVILEG\SQLiteDbAcccesListModel_V3_funziona_con_slot_signal_bidirezionale\build-SQLiteDbAccessListModel-Desktop_Qt_5_9_4_MinGW_32bit-Debug\release\moc_database.cpp del release\main.o release\database.o release\listmodel.o release\dichiarative.o release\editmodel.o release\qmldebugger.o release\qrc_qml.o release\moc_database.o release\moc_listmodel.o release\moc_editmodel.o release\moc_qmldebugger.o Could Not Find C:\Generale\OneDrive - ELICAT SRL - 03978700288\Developer\QtApplicazioni\youtube_and_web\EVILEG\SQLiteDbAcccesListModel_V3_funziona_con_slot_signal_bidirezionale\build-SQLiteDbAccessListModel-Desktop_Qt_5_9_4_MinGW_32bit-Debug\release\main.o
so the qml.qrc file is in your project root path right? And in this root path there is a "mycomponent" folder containing the MyDelegateFieldEdit.qml file?
Also please show the contents of the qrc file -
@raven-worx yes, it's all right
here the file qrc:
<RCC> <qresource prefix="/"> <file>main.qml</file> <file>edit.qml</file> <file>images/button_down.png</file> <file>images/button_up.png</file> <file>images/add_records.png</file> <file>images/delete_records.png</file> <file>images/close.png</file> <file>js/script.js</file> <file>images/edit_records.png</file> <file>file di prove eseguite/dichiarative.cpp</file> <file>file di prove eseguite/dichiarative.h</file> <file>file di prove eseguite/editmodel.cpp</file> <file>file di prove eseguite/editmodel.h</file> <file>file di prove eseguite/globali.cpp</file> <file>file di prove eseguite/globali.h</file> <file>mycomponent/button.qml</file> <file>images/menu.png</file> <file>mycomponent/MyDelagateFieldEdit.qml</file> </qresource> </RCC>
@elicat said in No rule to make target qrc_qml.cpp:
MyDelAgate.qml is really correct? Sure it shouldnt be MyDelEgate.qml?
@raven-worx I'm sure. The name is wrong but in the file edit.qml is correct :
. . . . import "./mycomponent" . . . . model: myModelEdit delegate: MyDelagateFieldEdit {} onCurrentIndexChanged: { . . . .
it may be "correct" in the qml file, but your error is already raised at compile time.
My last question is, is the file (in the filesystem) really named like in the qrc file?
If your answers were really correct i have no idea. It has to be something with mismatching filename/path, thats what the error says. -
@raven-worx said in No rule to make target qrc_qml.cpp:
it may be "correct" in the qml file, but your error is already raised at compile time.
My last question is, is the file (in the filesystem) really named like in the qrc file?
If your answers were really correct i have no idea. It has to be something with mismatching filename/path, thats what the error says.Good morning, It's what I always thought too. But I can not find it. Where do I see if the name in the file system is correct?
@elicat said in No rule to make target qrc_qml.cpp:
Where do I see if the name in the file system is correct?
are you kidding me?!?
Navigate to the folder and check if the file is named correctly -
@raven-worx said in No rule to make target qrc_qml.cpp:
are you kidding me?!?
absolutely no, you have patience. I thought there was something else.
however, the post I did it because I copied a project from a computer, where it works to another and I have not changed anything except the position of compiling the project. That's why I can not understand what's missing.
I try to check for the tenth time. -
@elicat said in No rule to make target qrc_qml.cpp:
I copied a project from a computer, where it works to another and I have not changed anything except the position of compiling the project
what did you copy? Also the build directory and the .pro.user file?
@raven-worx I have copy all directory of project and after i have removed *.pro.user. When project after this, request configure.
@elicat said in No rule to make target qrc_qml.cpp:
When project after this, request configure.
yes that's normal behavior. The .pro.user file should always only be used on the machine it was created.