Qt Quick Components: Status pane on Symbian Belle
Hi All,
I was trying the Qt quick components on Symbian belle. I have just created a simple hello world example using the latest Qt@@Creator <2.3.0>.
the app runs fine but the status pane is not clickable so I am unable to launch the notifications.network settings sheet. Is it a known issue? and how can I solve itthe main.qml looks like this
@import QtQuick 1.0
import com.nokia.symbian 1.0Window {
id: windowStatusBar { id: statusBar anchors.top: window.top } PageStack { id: pageStack anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right; top: statusBar.bottom; bottom: toolBar.top } } ToolBar { id: toolBar anchors.bottom: window.bottom tools: ToolBarLayout { id: toolBarLayout ToolButton { flat: true iconSource: "toolbar-back" onClicked: pageStack.depth <= 1 ? Qt.quit() : pageStack.pop() } } } Component.onCompleted: { pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("MainPage.qml")) }
Kind regards
Nish -
Are you mentioning it w.r.t Simulator? If yes, then you cannot click on statusbar in Simulator.
It should work on device. -
No I am talking about the actual phone. I am testing it on Nokia 700.
Hmm, I am not lucky to get hands-on Nokia 700 :(
By the way, you have to pull down the status pane, just like android. Click is Symbian^3, Anna kinda approach. -
tried everything on this stupid thing... click.. pull...drag..... they all work for the native applications but are not working for Test app generated via the QT creator
Yes.. I have installed the 'QT Quick components'.. if I don't install it then the application just shows blank screen
I think this is a issue, I made a quick test and have the same problem in my N8 with Belle, I suggest you report the bug in "JIRA":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa, then post the link to the JIRA entry here, and add the number of the bug report in the tags.