Set width and height of objects inside RowLayout and Component
QML and Qt Quick
I'm having some difficulties on set the height and width of some Images which are placed inside a RowLayout and Component., below there is the code.Inside RowLayout id: navigation, I tried with "width" and "height" properties for id: home and id:back, but unsuccessfully. The images are displayed with their original sizes.
Inside Component id: filedelegate, the image id:speaker has got the same problem while id: icon, which is a quite big image.
How can I set dimensions as I want inside Component and RowLayout objects?
Thank you.......... ListView { id: lista anchors.leftMargin: 105 width: parent.width height: parent.height model: folderModel delegate: fileDelegate header: navigation Component{ id: navigation RowLayout { Image { id: home height: 48 width: 48 source:"qrc:/res/icons/Home-icon.png" MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onReleased: {items.folder = items.rootFolder;} } } Image { id: back height: 48 width: 48 source: "qrc:/res/icons/Back-icon.png" MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onReleased: {if(items.folder!==items.rootFolder) items.folder=items.parentFolder;} } } } } Component { id: fileDelegate Rectangle { id: listaElemento width: parent.width - 110 height: 48 color:playArea.pressed?afterPressColor:beforePressColor border.color: "BLACK" border.width: 2 radius: 25 readonly property color beforePressColor: "LightBlue" readonly property color afterPressColor: "Green" RowLayout { Image { id: icon; Layout.leftMargin: 15; source: folderModel.isFolder(index) ? "qrc:/res/icons/folder.png" : "qrc:/res/icons/music.png"; } Text { id: name; text: fileName; } Image { id: speaker source: "qrc:/icons/lowVolume.png" state: "lowVol" height: 48 width: 48 visible: (index==2)//mediaPlayer.source === folderModel.get(index,"fileURL") Timer { id: zen interval: 1000 running: (index==2)//(speaker.visible) & (MediaPlayer.Buffering===mediaPlayer.playbackState) repeat: true onTriggered: { switch(speaker.state) { case "lowVol": speaker.state="mediumVol"; break; case "mediumVol": speaker.state="highVol"; break; case "highVol": speaker.state="lowVol"; break; default: break; } console.log(speaker.state) } } states: [ State { name: "lowVol" PropertyChanges { target: speaker; source: "qrc:/icons/lowVolume.png"} }, State{ name: "mediumVol" PropertyChanges { target: speaker; source: "qrc:/icons/mediumVolume.png"} }, State{ name: "highVol" PropertyChanges { target: speaker; source: "qrc:/icons/highVolume.png"} }] transitions: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "source"; duration: 100; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } } .........
you need to sett the image's sourceSize property