Play .flv movies in QML
Good day All
I want to play online .flv files inside my QML application. How can I do that, since using Video component does not work. How can I run .flv file using the external flv player of the phone?
I've tried using this call
but did not work, or I might be doing something wrong!
Thanks in advance! -
since this is flash, you can try to play it in "WebView":
I've tried the WebView, but its not working because I want to play a flv video directly in it.
I'm using the following code to run the flv file,@import QtQuick 1.0
import QtWebKit 1.0Rectangle {
width: 360
height: 640WebView{ anchors.fill: parent settings.pluginsEnabled: true settings.javaEnabled: true url: " cup final video flv.flv" } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { Qt.quit(); } }
@How can I fix this? any suggestions are more than welcome?
How can I open the native player on Symbian phones from QML or QtThanks