Using c++ created objects in qml
QML and Qt Quick
i want to use a objectslist from c++ in qml as model, but i´m not really understand how can i imagine it.
Here my code:class DataObject : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString text READ text WRITE setText NOTIFY textChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString detailText READ detailText WRITE setDetailText NOTIFY detailTextChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool me READ me WRITE setMe NOTIFY meChanged) public: DataObject(QApplication *parent=0); DataObject(const qint16 &pid, const QString &text, const QString &detailText, QApplication *parent=0); DataObject(const QString &text, const bool &me, QApplication *parent=0); QString text() const; void setText(const QString &name); bool me() const; void setMe(const bool &own); QString detailText() const; void setDetailText(const QString &color); signals: void textChanged(); void detailTextChanged(); void meChanged(); private: Kontaktmenu *contmenu ; Chatfenster *chatwindow; QQmlApplicationEngine *app; bool m_me; QString m_text; QString m_detailText; qint16 m_partnerid; }; class Datas : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<DataObject> datas READ datas) Q_PROPERTY(int init READ init WRITE setInit) Q_PROPERTY(qint16 partnerid READ partnerid WRITE setPartnerid) public: Datas(); QQmlListProperty<DataObject> datas(); int init(); void setInit(int in); qint16 partnerid() const; void setPartnerid(const qint16 &pid); private: QList<DataObject *> m_data; int m_init; Kontaktmenu *contmenu ; Chatfenster *chatwindow; qint16 m_partnerid; }; #endif
The Code from qml:
import QtQuick 2.4 import VPlayApps 1.0 import DataObject 1.0 ListPage { title: qsTr("Recent") emptyText.text: qsTr("No recent messages") // Use a predefined delegate but change some of its layout parameters delegate: SimpleRow { image.radius: image.height image.fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop autoSizeImage: true style.showDisclosure: false imageMaxSize: dp(48) detailTextItem.maximumLineCount: 1 detailTextItem.elide: Text.ElideRight onSelected: { globalNavStack.popAllExceptFirstAndPush(detailPageComponent, { person: item.text, pid: item.partnerid, newMsgs: [{me: true, text: item.detailText}] }) } } Component { id: detailPageComponent; ConversationPage { } } property var textModel
Now i want to set in the object Datas a init value and use the constructed values in a model:
Datas{ init: 1 } model: [{text: Datas.datas.text , detailText: Datas.datas.detailText } ] // Model should be loaded from your messaging backend // model: [ // { text: "Tom McEloy", detailText: "Sorry for the late reply ...", image: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/portrait0.jpg") }, // { text: "Leah Douglas", detailText: "Hahaha :D", image: Qt.resolvedUrl("../../assets/portrait1.jpg") } // ] }
What is it that doesn't work? Any error messages?
Perhaps you might want to have a look at Thomas Boutroues qqmlobjectlistmodel.h.