[SOLVED] Qt Quick Components for Symbian via SmartInstaller
I developed an app which uses QtQuick Components for Symbian. But when packaged with smartinstaller for ovi store deployment, no QtQuick components are downloaded as part of app dependency. Hence my app is not starting and displaying a blank screen.
I tried the method described "here":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/smart-installer-1.1/smartinstaller-ovi-signed.html and also tried smart installer from "QtCreator 2.2":http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNwNlPoObvI&feature=player_embedded#!
I am using QtSDK 1.1 with my app built against Qt 4.7.3 for Symbian^3 using Qt Quick Symbian components com.nokia.symbian 1.0
Any help or suggestions much appreciated.
Srikanth -
I had the same problem. For some reason QtCreator does not automatically detect the use of Symbian Qt Quick components, and thus it does not generate the required dependency for it in to "<application>_template.pkg".
So you need to do it manually. Just add these lines into your pro-file:
symbian {
my_deployment.pkg_prerules +=
"; Dependency to Symbian Qt Quick components"
"(0x200346DE), 1, 0, 0, {"Qt Quick components"}"
DEPLOYMENT += my_deployment
@ -
Solved it. If you are using qt quick symbian components, they should be mentioned in config.
@config += qt-components@And for smart installer, use
@symbian:DEPLOYMENT.installer_header = 0x2002CCCF@
Another way to cross check is to create a new qt quick components project in Qt Creator, it will generate a .pro with all required formalities.
Ref: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/smart-installer-1.1/smartinstaller-preparing-for-signing.html
hi thanks but it's still unclear for me :
I have those depencies in ${package}_template.pkg but not ${package}_installer.pkg
grep -i components *.pkg
redak_installer.pkg:; Dependency to Symbian Qt Quick components
redak_installer.pkg:; Default dependency to Qt Quick Components for Symbian library
redak_stub.pkg:; Dependency to Symbian Qt Quick components
redak_stub.pkg:; Default dependency to Qt Quick Components for Symbian library
redak_template.pkg:; Dependency to Symbian Qt Quick components
redak_template.pkg:(0x200346DE), 1, 0, 0, {"Qt Quick components"}
redak_template.pkg:; Default dependency to Qt Quick Components for Symbian library
redak_template.pkg:(0x200346DE), 1, 1, 0, {"Qt Quick components for Symbian"}@
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