QT Thumbnails Dyamically
You can use
http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qimage.html with
to produce the thumbnailsYou can use something like
//assume the directory exists and contains some files and you want all jpg and JPG files QDir directory("Pictures/MyPictures"); QStringList images = directory.entryList(QStringList() << "*.jpg" << "*.JPG",QDir::Files); foreach(QString filename, images) { //do whatever you need to do } (thx to @the_ ) ```. To grab all files from a folder to produce the thumbnails, - images one by one inside the Widget box I dont know what widgetbox is, but you can use QScrollArea http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qscrollarea.html if you need any kinda of scrolling.
@Taz742 I tried to make a thumbnail inside ListWidget that select image from my computer dynamically. I will make a code for static but I need a dynamic image selection code.
This is static image selection code.
ui->listWidget->addItem(new QListWidgetItem(QIcon("D:/qt_pic/LoginRed.jpg"),"logo"));
ui->listWidget->addItem(new QListWidgetItem(QIcon("D:/qt_pic/1234.jpg"),"wallpaper"));
ui->listWidget->addItem(new QListWidgetItem(QIcon("D:/qt_pic/4321.jpg"),"eye"));
ui->listWidget->addItem(new QListWidgetItem(QIcon("D:/qt_pic/dog.jpg"),"Dog")); -
So you need all files from a given folder or you need to let user
select images one by one ? -
Ok. you can use normal QFileOpenDialog
to let user do that. -
@mrjj + something like this:
.hprivate: Ui::MainWindow*ui; QMap<QString, QListWidgetItem*> m_mapFileNameListWidgetItem;
void MainWindow::on_btnChooseImage_clicked() { QDir dr; QStringList list = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this, QString("Choose Images"), dr.absolutePath(), tr("Format (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg))")); if (list.empty()) return; startThread(list); } void MainWindow::startThread(QStringList list) { for (QString str : list) { if (m_mapFileNameListWidgetItem.find(str) != m_mapFileNameListWidgetItem.end()) continue; QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(ui->listWidget); item->setSizeHint(QSize(150, 150); ui->listWidget->addItem(item); m_mapFileNameListWidgetItem[str] = item; QRunnableForImage *sub = new QRunnableForImage(str); connect(sub, SIGNAL(finished(QString, QImage, QByteArray)), this, SLOT(imageLoaded(QString, QImage, QByteArray)), Qt::QueuedConnection); QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start(sub); } } void MainWindow::imageLoaded(QString fileName, QImage img130x130, QByteArray bytes) { QListWidgetItem *item = m_mapFileNameListWidgetItem[fileName]; if (!item) { return; } item->setIcon(QIcon(QPixmap::fromImage(img130x130))); }
QRunnable .h
#ifndef QRUNNABLEFORIMAGE_H #define QRUNNABLEFORIMAGE_H #include <QObject> #include "QRunnable" #include "QFile" #include "QImage" #include "QDebug" class QRunnableForImage : public QObject, public QRunnable { Q_OBJECT public: explicit QRunnableForImage(QString fileName, QObject *parent = 0); ~QRunnableForImage() { qDebug() << "qrunnableforimage deleted"; } signals: void finished(QString filename, QImage img130x130, QByteArray bytes); void errorFound(QString what); public slots: void run(); private: QString fileName; }; #endif // QRUNNABLEFORIMAGE_H
#include "qrunnableforimage.h" #include "QBuffer" QRunnableForImage::QRunnableForImage(QString fileName, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { this->fileName = fileName; } void QRunnableForImage::run() { QFile fl(this->fileName); if (fl.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray bytes = fl.readAll(); QImage img130x130; img130x130= img130x130.fromData(bytes); img130x130= img130x130.scaled(130, 130, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); emit finished(this->fileName, img130x130, bytes); } else { emit errorFound(fl.errorString()); } }