cannot loaded module Qt Quick Controls 2.0 - crosscompile RPI 3+
QML and Qt Quick
I have problem with SmartHome project from project use Qt Quick Controls 2.0 module. I dont have any error compilation but when I started the program on RPI 3+, the application output shows:
Unable to query physical screen size, defaulting to 100 dpi. To override, set QT_QPA_EGLFS_PHYSICAL_WIDTH and QT_QPA_EGLFS_PHYSICAL_HEIGHT (in millimeters). QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component qrc:/main.qml:3 plugin cannot be loaded for module "QtQuick.Controls": Cannot install element 'MnemonicLabel' into unregistered namespace 'QtQuick.Controls.impl' :-1 Cannot install element 'CheckLabel' into unregistered namespace 'QtQuick.Controls.impl' :-1 Cannot install element 'IconLabel' into unregistered namespace 'QtQuick.Controls.impl' :-1 Cannot install singleton type 'Color' into unregistered namespace 'QtQuick.Controls.impl' :-1 Cannot install element 'IconImage' into unregistered namespace 'QtQuick.Controls.impl' :-1 Cannot install element 'ColorImage' into unregistered namespace 'QtQuick.Controls.impl' :-1 Cannot install element 'PlaceholderText' into unregistered namespace 'QtQuick.Controls.impl' :-1 Cannot install element 'ItemGroup' into unregistered namespace 'QtQuick.Controls.impl' :-1 Cannot install element 'ClippedText' into unregistered namespace 'QtQuick.Controls.impl' :-1 Cannot install singleton type 'Default' into unregistered namespace 'QtQuick.Controls.impl' :-1 Cannot install element 'TumblerView' into unregistered namespace 'QtQuick.Controls.impl' :-1 Cannot install element 'ProgressBarImpl' into unregistered namespace 'QtQuick.Controls.impl' :-1 Cannot install element 'PaddedRectangle' into unregistered namespace 'QtQuick.Controls.impl' :-1 Cannot install element 'DialImpl' into unregistered namespace 'QtQuick.Controls.impl' :-1 Cannot install element 'BusyIndicatorImpl' into unregistered namespace 'QtQuick.Controls.impl'
I use Ubuntu 16.04 64bit,
RPI 3+ Stretch
Qt Creator 5.10.1On RPI these packages installed,