How to read xls.-files in qt?
I've tried to get some numbers or text from excel file to widget on my qt application. I mean that when I click QPushButton, listWidget shows text which is in A1 box in the excel file.
Could someone explain how to do this because I don't understand everything in doc.
Tnx! -
It's ok. We've all been beginners. It's just a matter of figuring out what you need help with.
Reading .xls files isn't a native Qt thing. As you mentioned it's more than likely done with an activeX control or a 3rd party library.
Unfortunately, I haven't dealt with that before, so I don't have a good answer for you. Hopefully someone will have some experience with that and will be able to help you out more.
As already discussed in "this older thread":, there is no really good, out-of-the-box solution for this. You'll have to find your own workaround for that issue, sorry.