how to programmatically select new row in TableView when row is added to TableModel
I have a tableView subclass which I set up like this:
auto *model = new QSortFilterProxyModel(parent); model->setSourceModel(myModel); model->setFilterKeyColumn(0); myTableView->setModel(model);
selectionMode = SingleSelection
selectionBehavior = SelectRows
sortingEnabled = trueMy model is a subclass of QAbstractTableModel. I use this function (triggered by a menu item) to add data:
void ActionModel::addAction (Action *act) { int newRow = actions.count(); beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), newRow, newRow); actions.append(act); endInsertRows(); }
This works perfectly. The new data shows up in my Table View and I can sort it by each column.
I want to programmatically select the row for the new entry. I assume I should call:void QTableView::selectRow(int row);
but because the View might be sorted, I don't know which row number to select.
How do I find the row in the view that corresponds to the row in my model? -
You mean to know its original index unsorted ?
Maybe this does the trick ? -
@mrjj Not exactly, I want to know the row number where the new data item is displayed. Actually I don't care where it is, I just want it selected, but the only interface I've found is QTableView::selectRow(int row)
It looks like mapSelectionFromSource might work, but I don't know how to get a QItemSelection for the data in my model. -
I found a solution that mostly works. When I add the new data to my model, I return a QModelIndex that I later pass to the QSortFilterProxyModel->mapFromSource () which gives me the QModelIndex of the matching item in the view. Then you have to use the tableView's selectionModel to select it.
QModelIndex ActionModel::addAction (Action *act) { int newRow = actions.count(); beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), newRow, newRow); actions.append(act); endInsertRows(); return (index(newRow,0)); } tableView->selectionModel()->select (proxy->mapFromSource (qmi), QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
This all works exactly as I want if I don't sort the table.
If I add 2 rows, then sort the table and add a 3rd row, the second row added shows a light blue on only the first column.See how the Baker field is rendered? It goes away when the window does not have focus. Any idea what it is or how to get rid of it?
The light blue cell is the cell which has the current index.
Thanks, I changed:
ui->actionListView->selectionModel()->select (proxy->mapFromSource (qmi), QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
ui->actionListView->setCurrentIndex (proxy->mapFromSource (qmi));
And now it is working as I expected. I didn't realize that the current index and the selection are 2 different things.