Flickable snap behaviour
I have a ListView that displays a full screen items. The default snap behaviour with "snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem", is that when I drag for, lets say, 10 pixel, the flickable goes to the next item.
What I would like to achieve is to start the snap after a drag of half the screen.
Is this possible ?Thanks in advance
Ok, I have some Ideas that might help
If you let go the automatic "snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem", you can implement the behaviour yourself.
I can think of something like this:
property double initContentY;
property double singleItemHeight;//set this somewhereonMovementStarted: { //save contentY to a custom property on your flickable initContentY = contentY } onMovementEnded: { // var middleOfItem = (contentY-initContentY)%singleItemHeight if( Math.abs(middleOfItem) > (singleItemHeight/2)) {//more than half an item was flicked contentY += ( singleItemHeight - middleOfItem) //increment contentY to flick to the next item } }
I'm pretty sure you'd have to handle signs properly there even before the remainder operator but I think that's the right way to go... -
Hi all,
I have implemented a similar algorithm to calculate the current element when flicking:
@ // Snap One Item policy
property double initContentX;
property double initElementNumber;
property double singleItemWidth:;//set this somewhereonMovementStarted: { //save contentX to a custom property on your flickable initContentX = contentX //also save current element number initElementNumber = contentX / singleItemWidth } onMovementEnded: { var numberOfItem = Math.round((contentX - initContentX) / singleItemWidth); contentX = (singleItemWidth * numberOfItem) + (initElementNumber * singleItemWidth) }@
Now my problem is how to set a transition in order to not move immediately to the contentX...
I try with a simple transition on contentX defined inside my Flickable, but it doesn't work...Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance.
I tried the below code, it is working for me;flickAreaX = (singleItemWidth * numberOfItem)
+ (initElementNumber * singleItemWidth)
SequentialAnimation {
id: animation
NumberAnimation {
target: flickArea
property: "contentX"
to: flickAreaX
duration: 200
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
}Thanks !!