[QSqlRelationalTableModel] problem with TreeView
Hi all.
I have one little problem with my TreeModel, wich I inherited from QSqlRelationTableModel.
Now I have reimplemented functions index(...), rowCount(...), parent(...) and data(...) and all this work well.
But QTreeView doesn't show little triangle for expanding any string.
Now I check my functions, but broblem isn't resoloved.I check any another variants and find: if rowCount return value>0, then QTreeView show this triangle. I check my function rowCount(...), i replace them with
int TreeeModel::rowCount(...){return 2;}
But TreeView doesn't show me triangle for expanding.Where is my mistake?
P.S. I'm so sorry but my English is very bad.
A table is a two-dimensional data structure (rows, columns), whereas a tree is a three-dimensional data structure (rows, columns, parent-child-relationship). See "here":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/model-view-programming.html#basic-concepts.
If you now apply a two-dimesional data structure (your QSqlRelationalTableModel) to a three-dimensional view (QTreeView) the third dimension ("little triangles") is lost.
You will have to add a "QAbstractProxyModel":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qabstractproxymodel.html between your QSqlRelationalTableModel and your QTreeView which extracts the third-dimension-information (the "relation" in your case) from the database and maps it to a three-dimensional-model which is then used by your QTreeView.
Just to say, one little tip to effectively debug your model is to use the "Model Test":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Model_Test
[quote author="Lukas Geyer" date="1314601900"]A table is a two-dimensional data structure (rows, columns), whereas a tree is a three-dimensional data structure (rows, columns, parent-child-relationship). See "here":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/model-view-programming.html#
[/quote]Lukas Geyer, thank you for your answer.
But now my model have three-dimension data structure for any view.
[quote author="trex6" date="1314574119"]
Now I have reimplemented functions index(...), rowCount(...), parent(...) and data(...) and all this work well.
My prent(..), rowCount(...), index(...) and data(...) functions set three-dimension model, QSqlRelationalTableModel used only for create internal data structures. All output data was created by my functions. And I testing them.In another way, any Model, inherited from QAbstractItemModel, with
int rowCount(...){return 2;}
show expanding triangles. -
[quote author="octal" date="1314602195"]Just to say, one little tip to effectively debug your model is to use the "Model Test":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Model_Test
octal, thank you for your answer.
I will use this tonight. I hope, it will be helpfull for me. -
If your model only uses a QSqlRelationalTableModel, then I suggest you don't inherit from it, but instead use encapsulation. That is: your model has a QSqlrelationalTableModel, but is just a QAbstractItemModel.
There is little we can say on why this happens, if you do not show us any relevant code.